Ezekiel 11
Ezekiel 11:2 Ask God for the wisdom to discern error and for the courage to oppose it.
Ezekiel 11:5 Lord, I praise You because You know all things, including every thought that comes into my mind. Purify my thoughts with Your all-knowing, all loving presence, Lord.
Ezekiel 11:19 Lord, let my life model the singleness of heart and purity of spirit that You have promised to Your people. Change me when I’m hard hearted Lord! Make me soft and tender, a tribute to Your love’s power in my life.
Ezekiel 12
Ezekiel 12:2 Lord, I want to listen to You, I want to be open to Your truth. Please make me attentive to Your every word.
Ezekiel 12:6 Lord, make me a sign, a living testimony, for the People around me.
Ezekiel 12:16 Pray for those who are suffering as a result of war, famine or disease.
Ezekiel 12:25 Lord, I praise You for Your truth; what You say always happens.
Ezekiel 12:28 Heavenly Father, please protect us from procrastination in our spiritual life. Help us not to delay, especially when it comes to obeying You.
Psalm 127
Psalm 127:1-2 Lord, help me to understand that employing my skills for You is futile without Your presence and anointing upon them.
John 12:20-50
John 12:24 Whether or not you may be asked to die for Christ, ask Him to put to death your pride, ambition, and selfishness so that you can be fruitful in His name.
John 12:31 Thank God that the “prince of this world.” The Devil, is ultimately powerless through Jesus’ death. Praise God that “the God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet” (Romans 16:20)
John 12:35-36 Lord, even when I seem to be stumbling blindly though some of the hardest, darkest times of my life, I believe that You are the light of he world and that You will never leave me in darkness.
John 12:42-43 Pray that neither fear of human judgment nor hunger for human praise will dominate your trust in Jesus and your obedience to God’s commands.