Ezekiel 13
Ezekiel 13:2 Lord, as you spoke to Ezekiel to speak against the false prophets of Israel who were inventing their own prophecies, and to tell them to listen to the Word of The Lord. Father I pray for those who wield local, national, and international influence in the world. May they actively and willingly listen to You and be governed by what Your Word says.
Ezekiel 13:10 Lord, help us to face trouble when it arises and not deceive ourselves or others by saying “All is peaceful!” when there is no peace at all!
Ezekiel 13:19 Lord, with these lying spirits at work, I pray You will plant in Your people a love for truth and an aversion to lies.
Ezekiel 13:22 Father, I want to be an encourager of the righteous, but I also want to be honest with those who are still living in their sins. Help us! Only with Your love and guidance can We be what We should be.
Ezekiel 14
Ezekiel 14:3,5 Lord, help us to embrace things that lead us in the paths of righteousness, instead of on the downward spiral into a sinful lifestyle. Capture our hearts, O Lord!
Ezekiel 14:10 Ask God to cleanse You from all falsehood and hypocrisy. Trust that He can do it through the redemptive work of Jesus, the Saviour.
Ezekiel 14:12-23 Lord, because the people lie on You and rebel against You, justice must be carried out. Sovereign Lord, to hear You mention Noah, Daniel, and Job four times in these verses as examples of men honouring You in there generation and to know You saved them. How wicked and evil things must have become when You had to say that even if these three men were there they could not save the people. I am so glad today that I can say because of the cleansing blood of Jesus Christ and the way of repentance which You have laid out for us, I can say I know that nothing happens to me without cause. I praise You for Your promise that everything in my life will work together for my good, because I love You. (Romans 8:28)
John 13
John 13:6-11 Consider whether you are willing to let others serve you in Christlike humility. Think about how your gracious acceptance of their help can be a gift to them. Thank Gd. Servants that care for you.
John 13:15-17 Pray that The Lord will give you the grace and humility to serve others his week. Ask Him to show you someone who especially needs your service.