However, we possess this precious treasure [the divine Light of the Gospel] in [frail, human] vessels of earth, that the grandeur and exceeding greatness of the power may be shown to be from God and not from ourselves.
We are hedged in (pressed) on every side [troubled and oppressed in every way], but not cramped or crushed; we suffer embarrassments and are perplexed and unable to find a way out, but not driven to despair; We are pursued (persecuted and hard driven), but not deserted [to stand alone]; we are struck down to the ground, but never struck out and destroyed.
Always carrying about in the body the liability and exposure to the same putting to death that the Lord Jesus suffered, so that the [resurrection] life of Jesus also may be shown forth by and in our bodies.
2 Corinthians 4:7-10
Dear prayer warriors
Today, as believers worldwide join in prayer to mark the ‘International Day of Prayer’ for the persecuted church worldwide; pray that more governments around the world will wake up to the extremes persecution faced by so many believers around the globe. Pray that world leader will come under the conviction of The Holy Spirit and be moved with compassion to take decisive action.
At least 360 million Christians around the world experience high levels of persecution and discrimination. That’s an astonishing 1 in 7 of the global Christian population.
According to ‘Open Doors,’ Afghanistan, remains the most persecuted nation in the world; taking the top spot from North Korea in 2021. North Korea is now second followed by Somalia, Libya, Yemen, Eritrea, Nigeria Pakistan, Iran and India. These are the top ten nations where following Jesus costs the most. But there are another 40 persecuted nations known about.
How they need and are so grateful for our daily, ‘Holy Spirit’ led prayers!.
Let us also remember in prayer people in unreached places that only God knows about right now.
Pray for the Persecuted Church
- PRAY for the Salvation of every tyrannical government leader under whose watch unimaginable persecutions are taking place
“The bigger the darkness, the easier it is to spot the light”.
the late Brother Andrew
- PRAY that the precious Light of the Gospel will continue to shine forth, through the persecuted church worldwide, dispelling the darkness around them.
- PRAY for ongoing courage for the suffering church in the face of extreme persecution. Let us remember, in particular the people of Iran, Eritrea, Nigeria, the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and all those in the body of Christ on the frontline offering practical and spiritual support in the midst of the most adverse and dangerous situations.
- PRAY that the Joy of the Lord will manifest itself through the invigorating strength of the Lord in the face of adversity for every persecuted believer in the body of Christ worldwide.
- THANK THE LORD that though the persecuted church may be hedged in on every side, troubled and oppressed, they are not crushed.
- PRAY for all those imprisoned for their faith; remember in prayer their families and children; this month the focus of prayer for ‘Open Doors’ is persecuted children. So many children across the world have known the destructive consequences of war and displacement.
- PRAY that God will provide children in war-torn countries like Iraq, Syria and Yemen with a bright future of safety, stability and freedom in their faith.
- THANK THE LORD that in the midst of being pursued and hard driven the persecuted church is not deserted or stand alone; we stand WILL stand with them in prayer, with God’s help. Though they are struck down to the ground they are NEVER struck out and destroyed.
- PRAY that every persecuted believer will know they are prayed for and not forgotten!
And if one member suffers, all the parts (share) the suffering: if one member is honoured, all the members (share) in the enjoyment of it.
1 Corinthians 12:26
- CONTINUE TO PRAY for believers in the Afghanistan. Pray that they find strength, wisdom, and supernatural peace in God’s promises. Pray that believers will receive the pastoral care that they need.
- PRAY for the thousands of Afghans who are fleeing into neighbouring countries after Taliban’s takeover.
- CONTINUE TO PRAY for the women. Many women fear that the Taliban rule mean they will be stripped of opportunities for education. Women involved in education during the past years could also be at risk – pray for their protection.
- CONTINUE TO PRAY for the children. Pray for the schools and educational programs, that somehow they will function. And pray that God will preserve the dignity and wellness of the children, by raising up bold, prophetic warriors who will guard children’s safety and fight for their protection from all kinds of abuses.
- CONTINUE TO PRAY that food will be accessible and affordable. People are struggling right now, because supply chains have broken down – as they are slowly reinitiated, inflation and access is becoming a problem.
- CONTIUE TO PRAY for health and wellness. There is no certainty as to how the healthcare system is able to sustain itself with the Taliban government. Pray that the healthcare system will not collapse. Medicines are in short supply. Pray that clean water continues to run in taps – if water becomes contaminated in the cities, there will be widespread disease and illness.
PRAY for Almighty God to deliver North Korea, a nation long enslaved by a brutal regime.
North Korea
- PRAY for Kim Jong Un to be saved and for his tyrannical regime to collapse.
- ASK THE LORD TO ARISE! on behalf of the suffering church in North Korea. Ask the Lord to put Kim Jong Un in fear of Him and make Kim Jong Un realise he is a mere man in desperate need of Salvation.
- PRAY for Miraculous food supplies to be provided to feed the hungry. Many youths who cannot withstand the hunger resort to leaving North Korea so they can get their hands on a meal but as a result of this many young people are sold to China as sex slaves.
- PRAY for truth of the Gospel to spread and liberate the nation from this evil regime filled with indoctrination and lies.
- PRAY for safety for believers escaping North Korea; those who run the risk of being caught, deported, tried for treason and possibly disappear like mist in a prison cell.
More Christians are murdered for their faith in Nigeria than in any other country and violence is increasing.
- PRAY for those who are mourning for loved ones, to know God’s peace.
- PRAY that God would lovingly heal women and girls suffering trauma after sexual attacks.
- CONTINUE TO PRAY for Leah Sharibu and all the other girls still in captivity, as far as we know.
- PRAY that Nigeria’s government will take decisive action to protect all the citizens in the country.
As thousands of women and men in Iran take part in protests after the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini, Iranian Christians ask the global church to be their voice and to pray for the nation.
“Lord Jesus, pour out Your peace and justice on Iran today. Comfort Mahsa Amini’s family as they grieve and seek answers about her death. Protect protestors from violence – help them to make their voices heard and so bring about greater freedom of true faith in the country. Help the church in Iran to unite in prayer and be a beacon of hope to their communities during this turbulent time. Amen”.
You can register for the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church with Release International on the link below. The online event will take place at 19:30 UK time