From August 9th – September 9th 2010 Worldwide Mission Fellowship will be praying that Muslims around the world going through Ramadan will turn to Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour, this is in conjunction with similar prayer strategies around the world supported by Open Doors and 30 days of Prayer. Our ultimate prayer is for their salvation.
Tuesday 10th August 2010
Today we prayed through the prayer point below for muslim background believers and Christians under persecution in the islamic world. We also focused on Romans 8:26 asking the Holy Spirit to intercede through us and to be the governor and controller of our lives as we prepare to step up our prayers as Ramadn itslef starts tomorrow
Muslim Background Believers
- Believers to remain bold in their witness
- Church leaders to withstand persecution
- Governments to allow freedom of worship
Internet Evangelism (John 8:22)
- Seekers to meet Christ via media ministries
- Communities to change as the gospel spreads
- Believers to find and Join buttering fellowships