On our arrival into Poland we had delays due to the weather, on approaching the airport we were made aware that landing conditions were not good so we were flown to another airport. This meant that we had a 5 hour coach journey back to the original airport. We were then greeted by Pastor Janusz and another church member who took us on a 2 hour journey to our hotel.
We were able to rest and rise to join the church back home in prayer. This was a very special time for us where we could commit our time in being consecrated to the Lord as Pastor took us through specific scriptures on this. Pastor had also taught us in the day that we can influence people by how we live our lives but that only God has the power to save.
On our arrival at Elim Penticostal Church – Cieszyn we were taken to Pastor Janusz office where we prayed for the service that was about to take place, Pastor Janusz said that this really blessed him to see the way Pastor was preparing for the meeting he was about to take.
Pastor opened by sharing about the Grace of God and how on our flight when the pilot had announced that we would need to divert because of the strong winds, what came to his mind was the government members from Poland who crashed in a plane last year when trying to land in similar conditions.
Pastor shared that the Holy Spirit will move and change Poland. Just as we were delayed 7 hours by the wind, we could not see it but the effects of it were evident.
We then watched a video which reminded us of the sudden disaster that took place in Japan, this clip was sent to Pastor and had a lady singing have mercy Lord. Pastor shared that we are in a time where everything that can be shaken will be shaken, in an instant Poland or the UK could be shaken. This is why this is the time for us to put our trust back in God. Japan had so many material things taken away in an instant, yet still their response was one that we could learn from as Christians as they still had an orderly way to them. People around the world know that religion is not enough. We need a personal relationship with Jesus.
Pastor then shared that in John 1 where we see Jesus being full of the Glory of God, we see Jesus is filled with Grace & Truth. Paul however did not want to take this Grace in vain.
Pastor shared the importance of understanding God’s grace as If we do not understand God’s grace we will get into condemnation and live a Christian life based on performance & guilt. An example given was that when we cannot lift our heads to pray because of how we feel or what we have done, God reminds us that Christ died for our sins.
Pastor also gave a question of how would we live our lives if we knew what happened in Japan would happen where we live in 1 months time. If our response is that we would pray more or read the Bible more or evangelise more then this is based on performance as It does not matter how long I have to live if I understand the grace of God, we will understand that God remains the same so we should have the same urgency and consistency in our lives. We should not only ask for God’s grace for a church meeting but recognise we need God’s grace in everything we do.
Pastor also shared about the awesome time that we had with the choir in Spain. There was no time to organise but there was much prayer and much grace.
On closing Pastor shared Seek the Lord while he may be found and call on him while he is near.
God wants to set us free and bring his Joy in our lives.
We need to be motivated by the grace of God.
There are many more great and wonderful things that Pastor shared and as the call was given, many came forward for salvation, and we know that this is the greatest miracle and this because of the Grace of God.
After the message we heard many reports of confirmation and people being challenged in a deep way by the message that Pastor had just shared.
If this is only day one and we look forward to the rest that the Lord has in store for us.
Scripture references:
John 1:14
Isaiah 64:6
Romans 3:23
Romans 5:8
Eph 2-8,10.
Phil 1:6
Gal 5:4
Romans 3:10, 12.
1 Corinthians 15:10
Pro 24:16
Galatians 3:3