In 1 Peter, we are shown four points which will cause us to maintain a victorious life in Christ Jesus:
Humble Yourself
Jesus left the splendour of His glorious heavenly home, and came down as one lower than the angels, a servant even to the cross where he died for our sins. He then rose in victory over death and the grave. Jesus is our great example and if he being the Son of God humbled himself to obtain victory then more so us who are as clay. To live a victorious life we must recognise the magnitude of our God. He knows all things. We must realise that we cannot fix ourselves or our lives.
Give God Your Cares
Peter instructs us to “cast your care upon Him”. To cast can mean to throw or to mould. God wants us to give our troubles to Him. That means we give him our cares and we don’t take them back. Why does he want us to do this? Because he cares for us and does not want us to carry anything that causes us anxiety and fear. God is a compassionate and loving father, concerned for our welfare. He is more than able to deal with all our troubles. He is a mighty God.
Be Sober and Vigilant!
Satan is our adversary, he walks around seeking ways to steal, kill and destroy. Satan is constantly trying to tempt us. He even tried to tempt Jesus to abort God’s plan but was unsuccessful. Therefore we need to stay close to Jesus in order to resist the temptations. We stay close to Him by knowing his Word and having fellowship with him. There is no room for complacency or drunkenness with the world’s ‘pleasures’. Be on guard! Jesus was always on guard, even whilst asleep.
Resist the Devil!
Jesus informed Peter that Satan desired to sift him like wheat but Jesus prayed for him. Jesus is praying for us now that we would withstand Satan. Don’t allow the devil to isolate you. He tries to draw us away from God and each other. He may whisper a lie in your ear that your church brethren do not love you, even worse he may tell you that Jesus does not love you. These are lies; God loves us unreservedly no matter what our emotions say at any time. Resist his lies and temptations by being strengthened in God. Encourage each other. We all share the same enemy and are in the same boat. Don’t get out the boat! Jesus is the the boat with you…. He is the Captain.
Final Thoughts:
Peter walked with Jesus. He went from denying Jesus to receiving forgiveness and restoration and then preaching the gospel and seeing thousands saved. When he wrote this epistle he knew what he was talking about because he had lived it out. He advises us to humble ourselves, give our problems to Jesus, be watchful and resist the adversary. Even in the midst of suffering we can be blessed. In this we will develop firmness of character, strength of purpose and a wonderful victorious life!